Sometime in the year two thousand and twenty one, my wife and I made a decision that we were going to leave the good ol’ U S of A for “The Heart of Europe,” Prague, a city we’ve both been to twice before and had become enamored with.
We gave ourselves a two year timeline and began, in earnest, planning out the trajectory that would take us there, and as of July of this year, we are happily living in the city of our dreams.
It’s been quite the undertaking. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, some jerk once said, but it’s all been worth it.
It’s been about a month that we’ve lived here. We sold our suburban home in Aurora, Colorado, our cars, and all but six suitcases worth of belongs and left that place for a new one. We’ve got ourselves a flat (what those Europeans refer to an apartment as) to call home for ourselves, our weirdo little dog, and the contents of our suitcases.
I won’t lie, it’s been an adjustment. Prague is definitely not America, one of it’s major key features for us, and we’re learning the ropes, finding our footing, and generally loving our new life here.
This is the first issue of my newly returned newsletter, pulled from the murky depths of burnout and time burdens. I’ve missed writing these since I discontinued them some time ago and will be making the effort to return to the previously weekly Friday release schedule, like clockwork.
It’ll likely morph in style and format as my life and interests do but plan on an issue every Friday, chalk full of updates, art news, and other things I feel like sharing.
And thanks for reading these and subscribing. It means the world to me.
I’ve taken to writing stories about my life and various related things through the lens of being a Middle Age Punk (hence the title) and my latest story is about how I discovered Street Fighter II at a Circle K when I was a kid looking for Sour Warhead candies in the 90s'.
I also took a trip to the Punk Rock Museum in Las Vegas this last May. I took a special group tour with the one and only CJ Ramone and it I was full of all the feelings as we wandered through the amazing museum guided by a living punk legend.
Blitzkid - Trace of a Stranger (Revamped)
Jawbreaker - 24 Hour Revenge Therapy
Blackbraid - Blackbraid II
Nox Novacula - Ascension
MSPAINT - Post-American
Lunachicks - Babysitters on Acid
Mutoid Man - Mutants
Walk away, walk away, I'll be a parade
And I'll be determined that no one shall dissuade
On my way, I'll sure take some time
And burn all the bridges that I'm leaving behind
- Bad Religion “Walk Away”