This upcoming Sunday will mark my forty-second rotation around the central star of our solar system. The forty-second birthday isn’t a momentous or milestone birthday to reach except for one difference this year: It’ll be the first birthday (of many more) I’ll have in my new home city of Prague in the Czech Republic.
So, how have I decided to mark this occasion, aside from some weekend festivities my wife and I will be partaking in together? By doodling up my forty-two year old visage in the style of the band Crass’s iconic, anarcho, photocopied punk stylings as featured on their forty-two year old album “Penis Envy.”
When asked what was the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, the super computer Deep Thought, pondering the question for 7.5 million years, responded with “42.” Have I gained some sort of insight, or reached some kid of higher plane of thought or enlightenment have reached the answer to the “ultimate question?”
No. No I haven’t.
But I can honestly say that I can’t what to see what the next 42 years have planned for me.
And, if you haven’t already, you should probably read “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. It doesn’t actually reveal the meaning of life either (spoiler), it’s just a damn good book.