In case you couldn’t tell from my oh-so-clever subtitle up there, I’m drawing all the songs from all four of the Samhain albums and sharing them all November long.
In case you don’t know, Samhain was the middle band that Glen Danzig formed after the Misfits and before Danzig. To my ears, its the transition band from his Misfits sound, which “Initium” is closer to, to his bluesy, swaggering, sultry Danzig band sound, which the final Samhain album “Final Descent” is much closer to, which makes these albums so fascinating to fucking listen to.
That and they simply rule.
I contemplated doing these for the month of October, but to me, the sound and atmosphere on these four albums is a darker, more brooding, more sinister sound that I equate more with the dark, colder nights of November and the final throes of Autumn.
Samhain are an “Autumn” band.
That and their arguably best album is called “November Coming Fire.”
So there you have it, expect to see Samhain all month long with my stories with the band and insight into each piece.
What I really wanted to pay tribute to with this album was the raw and straightforward presentation of Initium. Simple songs, simple colors, simple art. Black, white, red. Perfect palette for songs all about murder and evil. That’s Samhain and that’s what I drew from to start making these drawings from.